liam brady meaning in English
- Arsenal youth director liam brady predicted trouble for chelsea in keeping all their superstars happy and wants the champions to suffer a crisis
阿森纳青年队主管不赖迪期望切尔西的球星们都不开心,并且盼望卫冕冠军陷于危机 - In the estimations of this observer , the pires of the season 2001 / 02 was the only arsenal player in the last 30 years whose technique is comparable to dennis bergkamp and liam brady
在观察专家的眼里, 2001 / 02赛季的皮雷是枪手近30年来唯一在技术上堪与丹尼斯-博格坎普或里安-布莱迪(对不起,这位前辈我不熟)相提并论的运动员!